Mayra Cotta is a Brazilian feminist lawyer and a PhD candidate at the Politics Department at the New School for Social Research. Her scholarly interests include political theory and philosophy, especially the discussions on democracy, the state, anti-capitalist struggles and the intertwinement of class, race and gender in systemic oppression; and American politics, in particular legal theory and constitutional law. For her dissertation, she is developing a political history of order as a central idea in Politics. Concentrating on the period from 1381 to 1852, she is investigating how and why order not only became a central value in political theory, but also came to acquire distinct meanings over time. Through a close reading of the canons of political theory, their elaborations on order are contextualized and examined against four overarching processes: the emergence of capitalism, the consolidation of the State, the separation between (public) productive work and (private) reproductive work, and colonial expansion.