3/8 | ONLINE | Abolitionist Economics: Moving Beyond Carceral Capitalism

Monday, March 8, 2021

6 PM EST | Online

This event will gather scholars and activists to share their knowledge and wisdom about the political economy of the carceral state and campaigns to redirect resources away from prisons and police and toward BIPOC communities. In response to the summer of unrest, a public conversation has been initiated that draws attention to local and federal funding imbalances that prioritize police, prisons, and security above education, housing, healthcare, climate justice, and welfare. What political tools are available to dismantle carceral capitalism? How can we move toward an economy that is abolitionist?

This panel discussion will be joined by Heilbroner Faculty Fellow, Jacqueline Wang (Assistant Professor of Culture and Media at Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts), Anastasia Wilson (Assistant Professor in the Economics Department at Hobart and William Smith Colleges), and Alyxandra Goodwin (Senior Organizer from the Action Center on Race and the Economy).

This event is free and open to the public.

Please register to receive a Zoom link, which will be sent out a week before the event.