Congratulations to former Heilbroner student fellow Damien Parker and current New School economics professor Willi Semmler on their forthcoming publication from Springer Press. The team’s essay, “Asset Accumulation with Heterogeneous Households: The Rise of Wealth Disparity,” is being published in Springer’s new book, Inequality and Finance in Macrodynamics. Both the book and paper are available for
Updates from the Heilbroner Center
October 6th and 7th: Global Histories of Capital Conference
Please join the New School and New York University for this year’s Global Histories of Capital Conference. This year’s theme is “Global Histories of Capitalism: New Perspectives on the Global South”, and features such speakers as the Heilbroner Center’s own Julia Ott, alongside others from New York University, The New School, and elsewhere. The keynote
Professor Darrick Hamilton Named One of Politico’s “50 People Blowing Up American Politics”
Congratulations are in order to Darrick Hamilton, professor of economics and urban policy at the New School and close friend of the Heilbroner Center, for being named one of Politico’s “50 People Blowing Up American Politics”. Hamilton and his colleague William Darity Jr. of Duke University were named number 36 on the list for their
Public Seminar: What Are the Costs of Libertarianism?
Claire Potter, Professor of History at the New School for Social Research and the New School for Public Engagement, discusses Nancy Maclean’s controversial new book Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America. Professor Potter takes on the many criticisms of Maclean’s work, arguing that the book is more insightful
The Roots of Today’s Radical Right and the Crisis of American Democracy: A Conversation with Historian Nancy Maclean
The Robert Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies invites you to participate in a conversation with Nancy Maclean, author of the controversial new book “Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America”, and New School faculty members Julia Ott, Claire Potter, and Sanjay Reddy. This panel discussion will take place
Julia Ott on the new book The Rise and Fall of American Growth, by economist Robert Gordon
Associate Professor in the History of Capitalism and co-director of the Robert L. Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies at the New School, Julia Ott wrote a recent piece in Public Books on how unfettered capitalism is incapable of addressing our most pressing problems, explaining that “only the foolhardy would look to private-sector innovation to save our
Darrick Hamilton on Why We Need a Federal Job Guarantee
Heilbroner Affiliated Faculty and Associated Professor of Economics and Urban Policy at Milano and Nssr, Darrick Hamilton wrote with Mark Paul and William Darity a recent piece in Jacobin on how giving everyone a job is the best way to democratize the economy and give workers leverage in the workplace. Read Why We Need a
Public Seminar: Who’s Afraid of Workplace Democracy?
Katarina Spasic analyses recent research that indicates cooperatives manage resources just as efficiently For a year, from 1934-35, Simone Weil, the French philosopher and activist, worked at a factory as a manual laborer to deepen her understanding of the working class. In the aftermath of this experience, she wrote in her biography, “That contact with
Public Seminar: McKenzie Wark on Black Accelerationism
Heilbroner Affiliated Faculty and Professor of Culture and Media in Liberal Studies at The New School for Social Research, Mckenzie Wark explains how Black Accelerationism is a willful pushing forward which includes as part of its method an attempt to clear away certain habits of thought and feeling in order to be open to a future which is