Please join New School History Professor and former Heilbroner Faculty Fellow Aaron Jakes for his upcoming panel discussion on “Egypt in the First World War.” The panel will take place February 8th, 2018, at 2:30 PM, in the Harold Lee Room, Pembroke College, Oxford University. Professor Jakes will be joined by a panel of other
Updates from the Heilbroner Center
NEW JOURNAL: “Capitalism and History” from the University of Pennsylvania Press
Please join us in congratulating our colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania Press on the launch of their forthcoming journal, Capitalism and History. More information is available below. For information on subscriptions and submission instructions, please email
Emma Park Joins the New School’s History Faculty and the Heilbroner Center
Congratulations to Professor Emma Park, the most recent addition to the faculty of the New School History department and the newest collaborator with the Heilbroner Center! Professor Park’s research focuses on the history of infrastructure in East Africa. Specifically, “to understand the dynamics among capital, state formation, and the politics of belonging, she analyzes British
Debt Comes For Us All
Students protest against the new GOP tax bill The following is excerpted from Amy Osika’s essay, “Debt Comes For Us All: Students protest against the new GOP tax bill,” available in full from Public Seminar. “A colleague and I walk over to a group of policemen, asking them what they think about the new tax
Sex Work and the Capitalist Patriarchy
Legalization is not a substitute for abolishment The following is an excerpt from Amy Brozovich’s essay, “Sex Work and the Capitalist Patriarchy: Legalization is not a substitute for abolishment,” available in full on Public Seminar. “To understand prostitution, its racist character must be acknowledged. Women who were and continue to be forced into prostitution
Confronting Financialization Demands a Radical Cultural Politics
Excerpted from Max Haiven’s 2014 book, Cultures of Financialization: Fictitious Capital in Popular Culture and Everyday Life. Read a longer excerpt on Public Seminar. “In fact, the economic and social precariousness that neoliberal financialization causes, and on which it relies, may be a perverse and skewed reflection of a much deeper, ontological field of possibility. As Randy Martin explains,
The Work of Art in the Age of Deindustrialization
Poetry, Art, and the New Spirit of Capitalism Vince Carducci, Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Detroit’s College of Creative Studies, takes on Jasper Berne’s new book The Work of Art in the Age of Deindustrialization. Read the full article from Public Seminar. This review was originally published in the Motown Review of Art.
“American Capitalism – New Histories” from Columbia University Press
Heilbroner Center co-director Julia Ott was recently published in a new volume from Columbia University Press’s series on the history of U.S. capitalism. The book — American Capitalism: New Histories — features Professor Ott’s article “What Was the Great Bull Market? Value, Valuation, and Financial History.” The volume was edited by Sven Beckert and Christine Desan, and features essays
JOB OPENING: Heilbroner Fellowship in Capitalism Studies, Applications Due February 15th, 2018
The Robert L. Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies at The New School for Social Research invites applications for the Heilbroner Fellowship in Capitalism Studies, to be held for one or both semesters of the 2018-2019 academic year. Rank is open, but we seek a scholar who will contribute significantly to the flourishing activities
Professors Julia Ott and Nancy Fraser Feature in Dissent’s 2017 Roundup
Congratulations to Heilbroner Center co-director Julia Ott and affiliated faculty member Nancy Fraser for topping Dissent Magazine’s most-read articles of 2017. Professor Fraser topped the list with her essay, “The End of Progressive Neoliberalism.” Her article “Against Progressive Neoliberalism, A New Progressive Populism” also made Dissent’s Top 20. Professor Ott, who also sits on Dissent’s editorial board, came