On Heilbroner Center and colleagues present a conversation between Michael Dawson (The University of Chicago) and Nancy Fraser (The New School), in which they discuss race and capitalism. They will debate Dawson’s “Black Politics and the Neoliberal Racial Order” and Fraser’s “Expropriation and Exploitation in Racialized Capitalism.” Fraser perceives capitalism as an institutionalized social order,
Conference: The Future of the Left in the Americas
Join Dissent magazine and the New School for two days of discussion with scholars, activists, and journalists from across the Americas about the challenges and opportunities for left politics in the region today. Across Latin America, the “pink tide,” which saw a range of left governments come to power over the last two decades, is in retreat.
“The whiteness of capital” by Faculty Fellow Victoria Hattam
2017 – 2018 Faculty Fellow Victoria Hattam recently published an article on “The whiteness of capital” in The Journal for Cultural Research. This article examines the relationship between whiteness, capital mobility, and migration along the U.S.-Mexico border. For more information, visit The Journal for Cultural Research online. The full article can be found here: The whiteness of capital.
Co-Director Julia Ott Honored By the American Alliance of Museums
Congratulations to our co-director Julia Cathleen Ott, who served on the Scholars Committee for the Museum of the City of New York’s award-winning exhibit, New York at Its Core. New York at Its Core was recently named the number 1 exhibit nationally by the American Alliance of Museums. The exhibit won the American Alliance of
2018-2019 Faculty Research Fellowships
The Robert L. Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies is pleased to invite faculty in any discipline at the New School for Social Research to apply for a fellowship of up to $5660 to support research and writing during the 2018-2019 academic year (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019). Proposals should provide a one-page explanation
2018-2019 Graduate Student Fellowships
ANNOUNCEMENT: Dissertation and Thesis Fellowships The Robert L. Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies is pleased to invite doctoral and master’s candidates in any discipline at the New School for Social Research to apply for a fellowship to support dissertation or thesis research and writing during the 2018-2019 academic year. Students may be considered for one
Transparency and the Factory Farm: Agritourism and Counter-Activism at Fair Oaks Farms
Congratulations to former graduate fellow Jan Dutkiewicz, whose essay “Transparency and the Factory Farm: Agritourism and Counter-Activism at Fair Oaks Farms,” is now forthcoming from Gastronomica! The abstract is reproduced below. Read more here. “The American meat industry has a fraught relationship with the visibility of its operations and the public narrative about its treatment
Biofinance: Biological foundations of capital imaginaries
This post was originally published on Public Seminar. To see the original article, click here. Capitalism has been the subject of too many conflicting definitions for any of the claims that follow to have any purchase on truth — understood as an adequation to the real. Beneath the numerous disagreements, however, a common substratum can be
Courage Before the Break
Courage Before the Break Agnes Heller’s Theory of “Radical Needs” Revisited by Max L. Feldman This article was first published on Public Seminar. See the original posting here. “Good persons exist, how are they possible?” With this question, inimitable Hungarian philosopher Agnes Heller outlines her philosophical territory. As readers of critical theory, it is hard to
Is Amartya Sen the 21st Century’s ‘Great Critic’ of Capitalism?
A response to Tim Rogan This article was first published by Public Seminar. The original post can be found here. Tim Rogan, in an essay recently published by Aeon, claims that Amartya Sen is the “Century’s Great Critic of Capitalism.” He states that Sen deserves this attribute because of his groundbreaking approach to capitalist critique, wherein he