
10/23 The Bonds and Boundaries of Debt: Towards an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda

Amna Akbar, Destin Jenkins, Julia Ott, and Caitlin Zaloom will discuss Bonds and Boundaries of Debt. This event brings together scholars interested in the history, anthropology, and legality of debt. It asks participants to use one story/case study to theorize what is similar and distinct about various forms of indebtedness. Does the collective, non-consensual conscription

Emma Park in the Boston Review: “Perpetual Debt in the Silicon Savannah”

2018-2019 Faculty Fellow Emma Park recently published a piece in the Boston Review on “Perpetual Debt in the Silicon Savannah” with Kevin P. Donovan of the Centre of African Studies at the University of Edinburgh. With overlap with the work of the Center’s Platform Economies Research Group, the article argues that Kenya’s poor were among

10/30-12/11 Museum of Capitalism: Is it time to memorialize capitalism?

The Museum of Capitalism has arrived in New York City – the dynamic crossroads of global capitalism – opening at the Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Gallery at the New School on October 30, 2019.  The Museum of Capitalism makes capitalism strange as a way of engaging visitors to speculate – collectively and in solidarity –

9/26 | How To Be An Anti-Capitalist in the 21st Century

A ONE-DAY CONFERENCE IN MEMORY OF ERIK OLIN WRIGHT​ ERIK OLIN WRIGHT spent the last years of his life thinking about ways to challenge and transform capitalist societies. He distilled his thinking in a book, How to Be an Anti-Capitalist in the 21st Century (Verso, 2019). The symposium is designed to launch a debate about

4/12 Heilbroner Center Student Conference

Entanglements in Late Capitalism: Instruments and Precarity The Heilbroner Center Graduate Fellows are hosting their annual student conference, this year on Entanglements in Late Capitalism: Instruments and Precarity. Keynote Jackie Wang will present on Carceral Capitalism, Surveillance Capitalism: The Prison Telecommunications Industry. This talk discusses the prison telecommunications industry, with a particular focus on Securus

2/4 Feminism for the 99% and the New Feminist Wave

In preparation for the next transnational feminist strike on March 8th, we will have a discussion about the new feminist wave with some of its protagonists and organizers from around the world and a conversation around Arruzza, Bhattacharya, Fraser, “Feminism for the 99%. A Manifesto” (Verso 2019). 4pm: Welcome and opening Remarks: William Milberg (Director

11/15 Dark Ghettos and the Articulation of Race and Capitalism

Political theorist Adom Getachew will moderate a discussion between Harvard philosopher Tommie Shelby and Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies Faculty Fellow Michael Dawson of the University of Chicago. Shelby and Dawson will discuss what implications an analysis of the intersection of race and capitalism have for the argument Shelby advanced in his book Dark Ghettos. The event will take place on Thursday, November 15th,

Capitalism: The Future of an Illusion

Join Fred Block as he discusses his new book, Capitalism: The Future of an Illusion. Virtually everyone—left, right, and center—believes that capitalist economies are autonomous, coherent, and regulated by their own internal laws. This view is an illusion. The reality is that economies organized around the pursuit of private profit are contradictory, incoherent, and heavily shaped by politics

Material Political Economies

A ‘material political economy’ is an ordering of the material world that is economically consequential and to which there are actual or potential alternatives. After motivating this idea by drawing on the work of the medieval historian Marc Bloch, Professor Donald MacKenzie will explore the contours of two important current material political economies: ultrafast high-frequency trading,