
Duncan Foley’s Book Published: “Adam’s Fallacy”

Belknap Press has recently published New School Professor Duncan Foley’s book, “Adam’s Fallacy: A Guide to Economic Theology.” The book, which can be found here, “attempts to explain the core ideas of the great economists, beginning with Adam Smith and ending with Joseph Schumpeter” expressing Foley’s “belief that economics at its most abstract and interesting level is

David Howell’s Book Published: “Fighting Unemployment”

Oxford University Press has recently published New School Professor David Howell’s book, “Fighting Unemployment: The Limits of Free Market Orthodoxy.” Edited by Howell, the book, which can be found here, “critically assesses […] free market orthodoxy” by using “cross-country statistical analyses and country case studies” through “leading economists from seven North American and European countries” who “contend that this