
Victoria Hattam’s Book Published: “Political Creativity”

University of Pennsylvania Press has recently published New School Professor Victoria Hattam’s book, “Political Creativity: Reconfiguring Institutional Order and Change.” Edited with Gerald Berk and Dennis C. Galvan, the book, which can be found here, “intervenes in the lively debate currently underway in the social sciences on institutional change” and shows “how institutions inevitably combine order and

Cinzia Arruzza’s Book Published: “Dangerous Liaisons”

Merlin Press has recently published New School Professor Cinzia Arruzza’s book, “Dangerous Liaisons: The Marriages and Divorces of Marxism and Feminism.” Part of the Resistance Books Series, the book, which can be found here, provides “an accessible introduction to the relationship between the workers’ movement and the women’s movement” though an investigation of “the questions ‘Why does

Will Milberg’s Book Published: “Outsourcing Economics”

Cambridge University Press has recently published New School Professor and New School for Social Research Dean Will Milberg’s book, “Outsourcing Economics: Global Value Chains in Capitalist Development.” Coauthored with Deborah Winkler, the book, which can be found here, proposes “an institutional theory of trade and development” derived from their findings that “offshoring reduces employment and raises income

Julia Ott on NPR: “A Second Look at Capitalism”

New School Professor Julia Ott was a recent guest on NPR’s “On Point with Tom Ashbrook” for a conversation called, “A Second Look At Capitalism: How it’s worked over time. How it hasn’t. And whether it’s run its course.” The conversation, which also includes Louis Hyman, is available online here.

Julia Ott featured in NY Times Article: “In History Departments, It’s Up With Capitalism”

New School Professor Julia Ott was recently featured in a New York Times article covering recent developments in the field of ‘Capitalism Studies’ entitled, “In History Departments, It’s Up With Capitalism.” Discussed and interviewed along with Edward Baptist, Bethany Moreton, Jonathan Levy, Louis Hyman, Sven Beckert, Seth Rockman and Stephen Mihm, the article is available

Chiara Bottici’s Book Published: “The Politics of Imagination”

Birkbeck Law Press has recently published New School Professor Chiara Bottici’s book, “The Politics of Imagination.” Edited with Benoît Challand, the book, which can be found here, “offers a multidisciplinary perspective on the contemporary relationship between politics and the imagination” by examining “how the power of imagination reverberates in the various ambits of social and political life:

Julia Ott on CSPAN: “Financial Booms and Busts in American History”

New School Professor Julia Ott recently participated in a panel discussion at The Museum of the City of New York entitled, “Financial Booms and Busts in American History.” Speaking with Steve Fraser, Mark Gongloff, and Robert E. Wright, the event was played on CSPAN and is now available to view online here.

Julia Ott’s Book Published: “When Wall Street Met Main Street”

Harvard University Press has recently published New School Professor Julia Ott’s book, “When Wall Street Met Main Street: The Quest for an Investors’ Democracy.” The book, which can be found here, tells the story “of how, between the rise of giant industrial corporations and the Crash of 1929, the federal government, corporations, and financial institutions campaigned

Gustav Peebles’ Book Published: “The Euro and Its Rivals”

Indiana University Press has recently published New School Professor Gustav Peebles’ book, “The Euro and Its Rivals: Currency and the Construction of a Transnational City.” Part of the New Anthropologies of Europe Series, the book, which can be found here, provides “a deep historical study of the welfare state and the monetary policies and utopian visions that

Sanjay Ruparelia’s Book Published: “Understanding India’s New Political Economy”

Routledge Press has recently published New School Professor Sanjay Ruparelia’s book, “Understanding India’s New Political Economy: A Great Transformation?” Edited along with Sanjay Reddy, John Harriss and Stuart Corbridge, the book, which can be found here, “provides a detailed account of three [large-scale transformations that have shaped the economy, polity and society of India over the past