Another New Kind of Marriage Betsy Beasley — July 20, 2015 (This post was republished in its entirety from Public Seminar) …or does it? © Elvert Barnes | Flickr On Friday, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a decision guaranteeing the right of same-sex couples to marry in every state in the nation.
Jeffrey Goldfarb – “It’s Inequality Stupid! Hillary Clinton at The New SChool on the Economy”
It’s Inequality, Stupid! Hillary Clinton at the New School on the Economy Jeffrey Goldfarb — July 14, 2015 (This post was republished in its entirety from Public Seminar) Attending Hillary Clinton’s speech here at The New School on Monday, I was impressed, though not inspired. In person, she seemed to me to be as wooden as
Cinzia Arruzza – “The Greek Referendum: a new Battle of Marathon”
The Greek Referendum: A New Battle of Marathon Cinzia Arruzza — July 6, 2015 (This post was republished in its entirety from Public Seminar) Painting of Pheidippides as he gave word of the Greek victory over Persia at the Battle of Marathon to the people of Athens. Luc-Olivier Merson, 1869 © Public Domain | Wikimedia
Eli Zaretsky – “We Are All Greek”
We Are All Greek Eli Zaretsky — June 30, 2015 (This post was republished in its entirety from Public Seminar) During the thirties Edmund Wilson recalled his reaction to the stock market crash of 1929 as “not depressing but stimulating. One couldn’t help being exhilarated by the sudden unexpected collapse of that stupid, gigantic fraud.”
Economization of the Social at The New School
On June 5th and 6th, The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and the Robert L. Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies at The New School for Social Research sponsored a weekend conference entitled, “The Economization of the Social since the 1970s.” The event featured a number of illustrious attendees and presenters from a wide array of disciplines
Julia Ott Radio Interview: “What Money Can’t Buy”
New School Professor Julia Ott was recently interviewed by Boston’s Public Radio station for their program “Open Source with Christopher Lydon.” The episode is entitled “What Money Can’t Buy” and can be listened to online here.
Darrick Hamilton Op-Ed: “Fate and Funding of HBCUs”
New School Professor Darrick Hamilton recently authored an op-ed in the Atlanta Journal Constitution entitled, “As Morehouse and Spelman graduate, consider fate and funding of HBCUs.” Coauthored with Carolyn Ash, New School Alum Alan Aja, and William “Sandy” Darity, Jr, the article (available here) argues that, “As long as the dramatic racial wealth gap persists, enhanced
Darrick Hamilton TV Interview
New School Professor Darrick Hamilton was recently interviewed on Arise TV to talk about the role of neighborhoods in determining income mobility. The interview can be viewed here.
Lauren O’Neill Butler – “On the Regulation of Sexualities”
On the Regulation of Sexualities Lauren O’Neill-Butler — May 6, 2015 (This post was republished in its entirety from Public Seminar) A set of well-executed arguments in Judith Butler’s essay “Merely Cultural” (1997) and Nancy Fraser’s response to it present a springboard from which we should analyze a crucial link between the social regulation of
Darrick Hamilton published and cited
New School Professor Darrick Hamilton’s work has recently been utilized in two publications. One, in which his work has been cited, is in the American Prospect here, and the other, which is part of a Boston Fed Discussion Series on Community Development is available here.