Tiara (Andy) Reid is a master’s student in the Economics department at the New School For Social Research with a focus in Sustainable Development and Food Sovereignty. Tiara obtained their BA from Eugene Lang College where they majored in Economics, received departmental honours, and presented as a panellist on the ‘Challenging the Status Quo’ 2022 Dean’s Honour Symposium. Their research addresses issues of food sovereignty, international trade, agricultural development, localised production and distribution systems, political economy, supply chains, urban development, financialisation, and economic democracy. For their master’s thesis, they are using a historical analysis of the development of food as commodity and the volatility of agro-industry in productive and social relations to better understand capitalist agricultural patterns of development (or in some cases, de-development) and to attempt contextualise an alternative food system to combat forms of exploitation and expropriation through a reconceptualisation of food as a private commodity.