Franco Palazzi is an Italian graduate student in Philosophy at NSSR. He has published articles and chapters in academic journals and books on a wide range of subjects (Hannah Arendt’s ethical and political thought, with a particular focus on reflective judgment and racism; transsexualism and gender identity in Italian law; Ernesto Laclau’s theory of populism; feminist epistemologies). His latest published work is “Epistemic Injustice and #MeToo: Some Initial Remarks”, in The Berkeley Journal of Sociology (2018). His first monograph, dealing with the intricate relationships between political philosophy and current affairs, is scheduled to come out in 2019. Besides academic writing, Franco frequently comments on political and cultural affairs, both in Italian (mainly for Doppiozero and Effimera) and in English (for outlets such as Public Seminar and OpenDemocracy). His research project at the Heilbroner Center focuses on the connections between the raise of neoliberalism and the spreading of depressive symptoms, with a special attention devoted to neoliberal academia. He has recently authored a book chapter on this topic, entitled “Academic Depression as Political Loneliness”, which is forthcoming in book edited by Moreno Stambazzi.
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