Drake is a nomadic urbanist with a background in grassroots housing advocacy. He received his B.S. at Towson University (‘15), in Baltimore Maryland. After college, he developed an interest in social anthropology and redlining in racially segregated cities. Since then he has lived in San Francisco where he worked in housing development and obtained a Post-Baccalaureate certificate from UC Berkeley (‘19). Currently, Drake is working toward his Master of Science in Design and Urban Ecologies. His recent research examines the intersection of evolving capitalist constructs and mass surveillance of marginalized communities. Influenced by W.E.B. Du Bois, Cedric Robinson, and Simone Brown, he investigates the development of digital feudalism. His mission is to visualize how these complex systems manifest in our daily lives. He is currently developing an anti-surveillance campaign through which he envisions Black people to be seen and not watched.