Dion Nania is a PhD student in the Politics department at the New School for Social Research, a Teaching Fellow at Lang College and a lecturer at the Borough of Manhattan Community College. He has an MA in criminology from the University of Melbourne. Dion tends to teach classes around the politics and political economy of criminal justice in America. His dissertation project centers around in-prison social movements, specifically the prisoner strikes of 2016 and 2018. Taking the actions and framings of these movements as starting point, it will explore their boundary struggle with the wage relation and the extent to which their unpaid work represents an economic precondition for the reproduction of mass incarceration. This analysis will draw upon histories of the production of race and the structuring of the working class in the US through processes of criminalization. It will also contribute to the literature which contends that the expansion of the carceral state is coextensive with the retraction of the welfare state, a perspective which foregrounds the extent to which criminal justice institutions can be understood as intervening in labor markets, and structuring the working lives of those drawn in to their purview.