William Milberg
William Milberg is Professor of Economics at the New School for Social Research. His research focuses on the relation between globalization and income distribution, and the history and philosophy of economics. He has written extensively on global value chains and their implications for economic development, financialization and intellectual property. His recent work focuses on the economic causes and consequences of the multinational retreat from liberal democracy, including an edited an issue of Social Research and a book published by The New Institute. His current book project is on the relation between globalization and sports. Milberg has worked as a consultant to the UNDP, the ILO, the UNCTAD and the World Bank. He is the author of Outsourcing Economics: Global Value Chains in Capitalist Development (with Deborah Winkler). Two previous books, The Crisis of Vision in Modern Economic Thought and The Making of Economic Society were co-authored with the late Robert Heilbroner. He serves on the editorial boards of Politics & Society, The Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, The International Review of Applied Economics and is on the Advisory Board of Socio-Economic Review. Milberg served as Dean of the New School for Social Research from 2013-2023.
Julia Ott
Minors Coordinator
Julia Ott is an associate professor in the history of capitalism at the New School for Social Research and the Eugene Lang College at the New School. She is the author of When Wall Street Met Main Street: The Quest for an Investors’ Democracy (2011).

Maddie Sullivan
Program Assistant
Maddie Sullivan is a graduate student in the Economics department.