Bethany Moreton | The Man in the Gray Hair Shirt: Self-Mortification and Neoliberal Soul-Craft

Heilbroner Center Visiting Fellow and Professor of History from Dartmouth College, Bethany Moreton, will deliver a talk online based on her latest research, soon to be published in the journal Capitalism: A Journal of Economics and History, edited by Julia Ott, Associate Professor of History at The New School for Social Research. Ott will serve as a discussant and moderator after the lecture. RSVP online here.

Bethany Moreton is a Heilbroner Center Visiting Fellow and a Professor of History at Dartmouth College. She co-coordinates Dartmouth’s colloquium in Critical Finance Studies and co-edits the Columbia University Press book series Studies in the History of U.S. Capitalism. Her work includes To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise (Harvard, 2009), which won the OAH’s Frederick Jackson Turner Award and the ASA’s John Hope Franklin Prize; Devotions and Desires: Histories of Religion and Sexuality in the Twentieth-Century United States, (UNC, 2017) co-edited with Gill Frank and Heather White, and many articles and book chapters on the conservative intersections of religion, sex, and economics. 

Julia Ott is an Associate Professor of History at The New School for Social Research. Ott’s current research examines the origins of venture capital as an idea, as a form of investment, and as an organized industry. Between 1937 and 1982, concerns about venture capital gradually reoriented American political culture in a neoliberal direction, in favor of investors and the wealthy. The result was the less innovative and far more unequal economy that we live with today.

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